Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 10! Only 30 More to Go...

I realized today that I should probably blog earlier in the day, or at least start my post earlier. I have all these ideas of what to say and then I sit down after the kids go down for bed and I go blank! I feel like a maw-maw as I sit at my computer at 8:00pm and i'm nodding drool though!!

Today I went to a crossfit class that I typically don't go to, the 9:30 all women's class. It was smaller than i'm used to and that was really nice considering we had to do rope climbs. When the class was finished I overheard a few of the women talking about the paleo challenge and how hard it has been for them and how they have no idea what to eat. They are eating the same things over and over again and already, on day 10, starting to fade on their enthusiasm. Eating the same things all day every day isn't sustainable over time, and so then people give up and just think Paleo isn't for them. What is paralyzing to them, i wonder? Is it the time of preparing food? Do they not like many vegetables? Are the the sole member of their family wanting to eat better? Is it simply lack of education? I know that for my family eating Paleo has been a constant progression. I feel like now, after almost a year and a half of eating this way 80% of the time, I know what I am doing and can be successful at eating a well-rounded paleo diet. Meal planning is no longer dreadful to me, but exciting. I feel like I understand what my body needs more than I ever have. For instance, take nuts. I love nuts and nut butters. I have always eaten them since we took up the paleo diet. BUT, I have learned that 1) they are very easy, portable fat which makes them easy for me to overeat (a handful here and a spoonful there really adds up) and 2) I've learned that they can irritate my tummy. So I decided not to have any nuts (expect a Larabar on the mornings that I work and the few nuts in the Primal Pacs) during this 40 day challenge and I am shocked that I have not missed them at all! It has forced to me to venture out to other fat sources that used to never be a part of my regular diet - avocado and coconut. Coconut new love. Anyway, I would love to hear your thoughts as to what is the most difficult part of the Paleo way of eating for you?? I am hopeful for an opportunity to reach out to others who may be struggling and help them expand their view of the grocery store!

I don't mean to bore you guys with my daily food journal, but this blog helps me keep track since I am terrible about writing things down. Today was not my best planned day, but I stayed on track:
Breakfast - 2 whole, 3 white scrambled eggs, 1 spoonful coconut manna
Snack (Post-workout) - 4 hardboiled egg whites, 1 mango
Lunch - 1 1/2 slices deli meat and a bowl of red cabbage and zucchini lightly sauteed with 1/2 c organic marinara and topped with 1/2 avocado (I desperately needed to go to the store and just had to work with what was in the fridge. Turned out quite tasty, though!)
Snack - Primal Pac
Dinner - A random pull-together of Ground Turkey, Chicken Sausage, red onion, and some salsa left over from monday nights dinner. Had that in romaine leaves alongside steamed broccoli and a small sweet potato. I will spare you a picture. It wasn't that appealing!

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